World Cup Viewing Season Indoor Activities Guide

If you are a fan of getting away from civilization to bask in the open wilderness for camping activities during the spring and summer, then you likely dread the winter months when this is no longer a viable option.
For families that find themselves bored through the weekends leading up to the warmer months of the year, there are many suitable alternatives for popular activities, with many new ideas to keep everyone entertained.
This article provides various exciting winter activities that are excellent alternatives to camping outdoors, allowing the whole family to enjoy themselves when the temperature drops too low outside. Here are several of our favorite indoor activities during the cold winter months.
World Cup Viewing Party Ideas
The hottest activity right now to partake in during the winter is gathering together with your friends and family to watch the FIFA World Cup. As this event takes place once every four years, it is a massive occasion.
The tournament this year is taking place in Qatar. With up to 32 teams representing different countries from around the world in competition, including the United States, Germany, France, and England, there is a team for everyone to cheer on.
Below are our recommendations for the best activities to engage in during the World Cup season.
DIY Concessions
Your food and drinks should match the holiday theme. Classic finger foods, including hot dogs, veggie trays, sliders, and wings, work well. If you desire to mix in desserts, consider soccer ball cupcakes or cookies. A formal main dish can be inspired by the cuisine from your favorite team's territory.
Meals can be complemented by beer coolers or cocktails inspired by favorite teams. For example, punches can easily fill pitchers to quench the thirst of a whole group without missing too much of the action.
Create a Clubhouse
Consider heightening the spirit of everyone's favorite teams by hanging up flags, cutlery, and balloons. It also helps to wear the jerseys of your beloved players.
Prior to the commercials or game running, keep every guest at an activity station. Consider face paint tables or hiring professionals to create caricatures, or even having guests bet with scorecards.
Indoor Camping
Camping indoors is quite simple, though you'll need sufficient space.
- Move your furniture to the far side of the walls, preferably in your living room, to make space for your equipment.
- Set up the camp by taking blankets, chairs, and tents out of your closet to begin setting them up.
- Put down sleeping pads and bags inside the tents.
- Turn off the power to make things more realistic. Consider lighting candles and making use of battery-powered devices to give the feeling you are in the wilderness.
- Create a fireplace. You don't need to actually burn anything, but try using logs and twigs to dim the lights.
- Unwind and tell stories, sing songs, and engage in fun, exciting activities that you normally would while camping outdoors.
Indoor camping is an event your whole family will remember that can become a tradition for each winter when the temperature is too cold outside.
- Board Games
An old pastime like board games appeals to audiences of all ages, and there's nothing quite like taking the dusty box out of the closet to get an entire family to sit around a table to play.
This is one of the best indoor activities, while it is often too cold outside to do anything, let alone go camping. It's a great way for everyone to distract themselves.
Certain board games are meant for more mature groups. However, some of the best all-around experiences that work for children and adults alike include:
- Connect 4
- Clue
- Chess
- Guess Who
- Ludo
- Monopoly
- Scrabble
- Snakes and Ladders
Making use of camping chairs around an indoor tent creates the perfect ambiance for this kind of activity. Consider the use of a camp lantern in the center of the table to establish that authentic outdoor feel.
- Play Cards
In a similar fashion to board games, getting used to camping with a spare deck of cards and utilizing it to pass the time is quite popular. Recreating indoor camping just like you would indoors is also a comparable process that makes kids excited for the next season and keeps them interested in camping.
Some of the best card games that can be easily taught to players of all ages include:
- Go-Fish
- Poker
- Solitaire
- Spades
- Uno
- War
- Storytime
If you enjoy talking with your family and friends beside a warm campfire, this activity is ideal for creating the same bond indoors.
You simply make a circle indoors, preferably on a fluffy carpet, allow everyone to pick their spot, then begin with a story for every person. Allow everyone to tell their ideas and keep them exciting enough for the children yet not creepy enough to scare them off.
- Watching the Stars
In the event it is too cold to take a trip outdoors overnight, but you and your loved ones are still craving some fresh winter air, consider migrating to your backyard. Winter represents one of the best times to view a clear sky and indulge in stargazing.
Taking the opportunity to teach your children about astrology is both educational and fun. It opens their minds and imaginations. Of course, wear warm clothes, take floor mats and camping tarps out, seating them in the backyard.
- Make Smores
One of the most popular parts of camping is the fulfillment of creating campsite delicacies. Smores are undoubtedly a delicious food in America. Nothing says smores are the only sweet to enjoy while camping, so consider cooking over a stove or skillet. Get chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows to be ready to go.
They are an easy, fun treat to create for kids that help them relive their desire to be outdoors as they normally would in the warmer months of the year.
You don't have to go outside to enjoy the months of winter with friends and family, nor do you have to sacrifice the camping experience. Setting up a tent indoors with a fire, smores, and a watch session of the World Cup lets the winter months pass by with ease. Partaking in various board games, storytime events, and watching the stars can provide entertainment for all ages, including and especially children.
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